Champions League

My wife Sarah was driving the both of us to town as the sun rose on Friday this week. I decided to take the camera out & take some pictures of her, as the rising sun was casting some very intense lighting across her face. While adjusting the settings on my Cannon T7i, I turned the lens towards myself, & shot a few test photos. Later, when going through the photos to pick good ones for editing, this shot caught my eye! I had to decrease the lighting drastically for the intense light on one half of my face, & in doing so made the rest of the shot sink into full shadow. The result was eyecatching

Photo by: Michael McAuliffe on Unsplash

Mestre liga: Barcelona vs Bayern München – UEFA Champions League | I UEFA Champions League viste Barcelona deres overlegenhed ved at bryde en tabende streak mod Bayern München med en 4-1 sejr. I en spændende kamp på Matchday 3 i 2024-25 sæsonen, formåede Barcelona at dominere og imponere fans. Resultatet fik fans og følgere til at juble over Barcelonas imponerende præstation.

For mere dybdegående information og analyse af denne intense kamp, kan du besøge ESPN’s artikel om Champions League.