Julian Assange

Fridays for future - global climate strike on the European elections (May 24 2019)

Photo by: Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Julian Assange: A World-Renowned Whistleblower and Activist

Julian Assange, a controversial figure known for founding WikiLeaks, has been the subject of intense media scrutiny and debate. With over 100,000 daily searches, it is clear that people worldwide are engrossed in the story of Julian Assange. Let us delve into the background, controversy, and consequences surrounding this iconic figure.


Julian Assange, an Australian-born journalist and activist, embarked on his journey to establish WikiLeaks in 2006. The organization specializes in leaking confidential documents and information from governments, companies, and institutions worldwide. Assange’s controversial approach to disclosing secret information has sparked both praise and criticism from various sectors of society.

WikiLeaks and Assange’s Influence

Assange’s work with WikiLeaks has had a significant impact on the world. Some view him as a champion of free speech and transparency, exposing corruption and abuse of power, while others see him as a threat to national security and confidentiality. Regardless of perspective, WikiLeaks and Julian Assange have managed to make headlines and alter public discourse globally.

The Controversy Surrounding Julian Assange

The controversy surrounding Julian Assange has been raging for years. Among the most notable moments was his seven-year stay in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he faced allegations of sexual assault. After a dramatic arrest in 2019, Assange was imprisoned in the UK and later fought against extradition to the USA, where he is charged with espionage and hacking-related crimes.

Release and the Future of Julian Assange

In a surprising turn of events, Julian Assange was finally released in 2024 after striking a deal with US authorities. This development has sparked debate on justice, freedom of expression, and whistleblower protection. Assange’s future remains uncertain as he aims to return to his homeland, Australia, and continue his fight for transparency and justice.


Julian Assange continues to be a central figure in the global debate on whistleblowers, freedom of speech, and checks on power. Regardless of one’s view on Assange, it is evident that he has helped shape the modern understanding of information sharing and accountability. With ongoing discussions surrounding his actions and legal issues, Julian Assange will remain a polarizing and captivating figure in the years to come.
