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Frontin: Everything You Need to Know About the Withdrawal of This Sedative

Frontin, a tranquilizer based on alprazolam, is in the spotlight as the Nemzeti Népegészségügyi- and Gyógyszerészeti Központ (NNGYK) has immediately withdrawn certain batches from the market. The large quantity of medicine, marked with 39 different batch numbers, has been recalled due to contamination. This withdrawal has caused some unrest and raised questions about medication safety and public health.

What is Frontin?

Frontin is a benzodiazepine drug containing alprazolam as the active ingredient. It is typically used to treat anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and related conditions. Alprazolam works by affecting certain chemicals in the brain that may be unbalanced in people with anxiety.

Reasons for the Withdrawal

The withdrawal of Frontin is due to alleged issues with medication contamination. Defects have been identified in certain batches that may pose a health risk to consumers. NNGYK has decided to withdraw these batches in the interest of public safety and to prevent any negative consequences of contaminated medication.

Extent of the Withdrawal

The withdrawal of Frontin includes a significant amount of medicine distributed with various batch numbers. This action has the potential to affect a large number of users who may have accessed the affected batches. The exact number of people who may be affected by the withdrawal is not yet known, but authorities have advised all Frontin users to consult with their healthcare providers.

Consequences of the Withdrawal

The withdrawal of Frontin can have several consequences for users. Firstly, it can create uncertainty and concern among those taking the medication for their condition. Additionally, it may result in a shortage of medication as consumers need to switch to an alternative treatment regimen. It may also put doctors and pharmacy staff under pressure to answer questions from confused patients.

Patient Advice

If you are taking Frontin and are concerned about the withdrawal, it is important to proceed with caution. Contact your healthcare provider immediately for advice on your ongoing treatment. Avoid stopping the medication without consulting a doctor first, as sudden cessation can lead to unwanted side effects. Your doctor will be able to provide guidance on alternative treatment options.


The withdrawal of Frontin due to alleged contamination has raised serious questions regarding medication safety and public health. With a significant number of affected batches, it is crucial for users to act responsibly and consult their healthcare providers. The withdrawal may have several consequences, but it is essential to follow expert advice to ensure a safe and effective continuation of treatment.


  1. “Visszahívják a Frontin nevű nyugtató egyes tételeit” from RTL Magyarország. Read more here.
  2. “Szennyezett gyógyszert hívtak vissza, rengeteg tétel érintett” from Dívány. Read more here.