Appel Du 18 Juin

Person in smoke cloud

Photo by: Josh Marshall on Unsplash

18th of June 1940: A Commemoration of Hope and Resistance Spirit

The 18th of June 1940 marks a pivotal event in France’s history – “Appel du 18 juin” or “The Call of the 18th of June.” This historic moment, initiated by General Charles de Gaulle during World War II, stands as a symbol of resistance, hope, and a call to the French to fight against the German occupation.

Historical Background

On the 18th of June 1940, just a few days after the French government’s surrender to Nazi Germany, General Charles de Gaulle delivered a radio address from London, broadcasted to the occupied French population and the world. In this speech, he urged the French to continue the fight, refuse to surrender, and maintain resistance against the occupying forces.

Symbolism and Meaning

“Appel du 18 juin” was instantly recognized as a symbolic act of resistance and encouragement for the French to remain true to their country and fight for freedom. General de Gaulle’s words carried tremendous significance, boosting the morale of many who refused to accept Nazi rule.

National Remembrance

Every year, on the 18th of June, the French commemorate this historical event through national ceremonies and memorials. Solemnities, conferences, and historical lectures are held to honor the resistance expressed in General de Gaulle’s speech.

Modern Legacy

Even today, “Appel du 18 juin” remains an important part of France’s national memory, symbolizing the spirit of resistance, freedom, and patriotism. General Charles de Gaulle’s actions showcase the heroic courage that can emerge in the darkest times.

Ceremonies and Memorials

The ceremonies for “Appel du 18 juin” include official events across France where politicians, officials, and citizens gather to remember this significant occasion. Floral tributes, national flags, and moments of silence are among the ceremonial acts performed to honor the spirit of resistance.

International Relevance

While “Appel du 18 juin” is part of France’s history, it holds international relevance and continues to inspire people worldwide in the fight against oppression, the defense of freedom, and the courage to resist injustice.

Celebration of Freedom and Resistance

On the day of “Appel du 18 juin,” the French not only commemorate the past but also look forward with hope and commitment to defend the values that General de Gaulle called for – freedom, dignity, and courage. This serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for justice and democracy.


“Appel du 18 juin” remains a source of inspiration and a reminder that in the face of tragedy and oppression, courage and the will to fight for what is just and true can arise. General Charles de Gaulle’s action on the 18th of June 1940 is a vivid example of one person’s ability to bring about change and hope in a world in crisis.

When French history and the spirit of resistance unite, a force emerges that can defy all odds and triumph. “Appel du 18 juin” is thus more than an event; it is a symbol of the nation’s solidarity, determination, and belief in a better future.


  1. gard.gouv – National Commemoration Ceremony of the Appeal of 18 June 1940
  2. – The appeal of 18 June 1940 commemorated at the Prefecture of Rodez